Our mission is to improve the care industry.
Growth, tough decisions and building on what we already do best. These describe Hoiwa in 2023.
Looking at the numbers, our fourth year of operation was another year of growth. We made a turnover of €9 million and had thousands of new sign-ups to our employee pool. Our caregivers completed 22,311 shifts during the year, which translates into 167,333 hours worked. "In such a challenging economic climate, I would say that we have achieved a commendable success," CEO Fadumo Ali sums up the year's figures, "although there have been challenges, we have managed to grow and turn challenges into opportunities."
In 2023, we will focus strongly on delivering on our mission to improve the care sector. We aim to make the care sector more valued, humane and attractive. We will do this by being a respectful and humane employer, which we aim to achieve through the development of job roles and technology.
Agility is one of our key attributes, so we focused on streamlining our processes. While some of our numbers grew, the healthcare market and the overall economic situation brought challenges. As is often the case when creating new ways of working and new solutions, development projects have to be discontinued. This is what happened in our case.
During the summer, we had to hold redundancies and reduce our office staff. "The decision was a tough one for us. But it was a decision we had to make in order to achieve our mission," says Fadumo. We reduced our workload and focused on the most essential tasks for our mission: those that improve the care sector. This meant responding to labour shortages, faster and in new ways.
Speed is our trump card, and we have continued to develop it over the past year. When a job vacancy is posted on Hoiwa, it is filled by professionals in just minutes.
We developed our software, and it advanced by leaps and bounds. Now we're opening up our technology to others to help them become more productive and cost-effective.
We built a new service, HoiwaHealth, which brings medical and health care services into the home. We provide a platform through which any individual, public sector client or private sector client can order a healthcare service directly to their home. HoiwaHealth represents modern healthcare with a digital touch, and is the future of healthcare. You will hear more about this!
The care sector is facing a severe labour shortage and we have opened up opportunities for international carers. With Hoiwa, clients can easily supplement their nursing staff with strengthened international skills. In this way, we also promote labour mobility and attract international carers from Finland. In this way, we can help the whole of Finland to do better.
Hoiwa has grown into a socially recognised and influential player, and we want to help the Finnish social welfare sector and society as a whole move in a more humane direction. Cost-effective operations contribute to access to services for everyone, and at Hoiwa we are part of making this happen.
Hoiwa faced challenges in 2023, but we overcame them and learned from them, and despite everything, we were able to grow. Hoiwa strengthened its ability to respond to change, and to see opportunities and realise them. Strengthened by the challenges, we look forward with confidence to a brighter future.